美元貶值嚴重衝擊緬甸水產加工業緬甸水產加工廠不敵美元走軟、出口收益銳減等衝擊約有20家接連歇業,甚至倒閉。自2011年6月初美元兌緬幣匯率首度跌破800元大關後,更創下785元新低。很多慘遭美元走貶汽車貸款衝擊的出口商坦言營運慘澹、勉強打平,然大部分仍是入不敷出。緬甸漁業聯盟 (MFF) 秘書長認為緬幣升值對漁業出口衝擊尤甚;魚塭及育卵場負責人為解決飼料成本過高等問題傷透腦筋。緬甸當局仍未對漁業土地買賣界呼籲重視緬幣升值效應做出相關回應。緬甸畜牧暨漁業部報告指出,2010年緬甸水產品出口收益近5.5億美元。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 12/2011,1 July 2011)SEAFOOD PROCESSING PLANTS 售屋網SHUT DOWN DUE TO WEAKENING US DOLLARAround 20 marine-product processing plants in Myanmar have temporarily suspended theiroperations, as the weakening US dollar against the kyat begins 借錢to eat into the value of exportearnings, industry sources report. Since early June, the US dollar has fallen below 800 kyat for thefirst time in many years, reaching just 785 kyat 澎湖民宿recently. The dollar’s drop has hurt exporters, withmany companies saying that they are barely operating at break even, or in many cases actuallylosing money.The appreciation of the 酒店打工country’s currency against the dollar has been especially hard on the fisheryexports, the secretary of the Myanmar Fisheries Federation (MFF) said, an umbrella body ofprivate-sector 濾桶fishery associations. The owners of fish and prawn farms are struggling even more asthey have to deal with the high cost of feed. The fisheries industry association has 租屋officiallyinformed the authorities about the impact of the rising kyat, but the relevant ministries have yet totake any action to deal with the situation.In 2010, Myanmar earned nearly 票貼US$550 million from exporting fishery products, reported to theMinistry of Livestock and Fisheries.
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